
Growing with GroEzy™ Products

Interested in switching to coco but cant figure out how to get started? Have questions on setup and grow workflow? Want to understand which nutrients work better with the cubes? Contact us

Transition to GroEzy products

1. Free Consultation

Call us for a free 1-hr consultation to understand your growing needs. Our grow operations experts will ask questions to understand your current processes and evaluate your growing needs.

2. Sign up and payment

We will define the engagement process and provide feedback on the scope of consultation. Make payment for the service and we'll begin the work.

3. Start consultation

Once we have established a consulting agreement, we will define the workflow and make recommendations for an efficient workflow. With implementation of the changes, you should start seeing the efficient workflow established.

4. Deliver per terms

We will help evaluate your ops through the grow cycle, monitor growth, suggest changes, propose techniques, monitor yields from end-to-end. We will do everything reasonable to ensure a successful engagement.

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